Solder Connection Tinning Compound is a dry mixture of powdered solder and flux, especially recommended for tinning difficult metals such as cast iron or scaled and dirty surfaces. This dry form of soldering compound permits the use of a flux more powerful than the type usually used for traditional soft soldering. Due to the nature of cast iron it is necessary to remove the graphite flakes on the surface as this will breakdown the continuity of the tinning process. Shot blasting with an angular chilled cast iron grit will eliminate the graphite from any scratches and imperfections before starting.

Once cleaned we would recommend a light covering of Solder Connection BlackBand liquid flux which will keep the new surfaces free from oxidation.

Product Options:

– 100g (Internal SKU: LF-262-015)
– 500g (Internal SKU: LF-262-008)
– 1KG (Internal SKU: LF-262-018)

Key Product Features & Benefits:

– Highly reactive dry flux powder.
– Recommended for cast iron.
– Ideal for re-tinning bearing shells.
– Water washable flux residues.
– Pure Tin Solder base

Weight N/A

100g, 500g


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