Johnson Matthey’s Silver-flo™ 55 is a cadmium free silver brazing filler metal. It combines a low brazing temperature with a short melting range. Silver-flo™ 55 is very free flowing and produces neat joints with small fillets. These characteristics make Silver-flo™ 55 an excellent general-purpose silver brazing filler metal. In many countries it is accepted as the best cadmium-free alternative to the low-melting cadmium containing filler metals. For example it is used as a substitute for alloys such as Easy-flo™ and Easy-flo™ No.2.

Joints made with Silver-flo™ 55 are suitable for seawater applications being resistant to dezincification. The optimum joint gap for this filler metal at brazing temperature is normally 0.05-0.15mm.

Supplied in rod format with 1.5mm Diameter and 600mm length. Available in pack sizes of 1, 2 and 5 rods. For larger quantities contact our Sales Office.

Key Products Features & Benefits:

– 55% Silver (Ag) – 21% Copper (Cu) – 22% Zinc (Zn) – 2% Tin (SN)
– Melt Range – 630-660 ºC
– Classified as AG103 to EN1044 1999 Specification.
– Classified as AG155 to ISO17672 2010 Specification
– Commonly available as a 1.5.0mm Dia. rod as
– Standard 600mm long

** Larger quantities are available from the Solder Connection Sales Office. Email for more information **